Friday, July 8, 2011

re: republicans, the party of fear

Hi, Glenn - Sounds interesting. You mentioned FDR's first inaugural (the only thing we have to fear is fear itself) You should check out the fuller context on line -- his words describing the prevailing economic distress sound remarkably apt for the situation today, which makes his words all the more salient. With each passing year the man's greatness strikes me more clearly -- he and Churchill.

We included the FDR paragraph in our readings of American sources that we did in place of the sermon at church on the 3rd of July, which had a 4th of July theme. Others were parts of the Dec. of Independence, some MLK jr. speeches, Maya Angelou, Robert Frost's "The Gift Outright" ("The land was ours before we were the land's . . . ") JFK's inaugural, etc. It was very moving, many tears in many eyes, a powerful & much-needed reminder of who we can be at our best, especially in the context of our present situation in the state which is pretty much showing us (or at least the Republicans among us) at our worst.

I am much concerned that the dynamics in the state are the same as at the national level, which means we are watching a dress rehearsal on the Minnesota level for what could become a major national economic & constitutional crisis nationally come August or so.

Love, Dad

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